Freshly Ground

Who knew Budweiser could be so satisfying?

The perfect refreshing summer drink

The perfect refreshing summer drink

Current Location:
Cambridge, MA

Currently Drinking:
An ice-cold michelada

Currently Excited for:
Outdoor movie and music

About a month ago we hosted a party in our apartment. It was a fun time, but we severely overestimated the number of people. Because of that, we ended up with a significant amount of leftover Budweiser – neither of us are big beer drinkers; and Bud is never our drink of choice.

After sweating outside all day in 90+ degree heat at my company’s Summer outing, I was in desperate need of something cool and refreshing to relax with. *lightbulb* A michelada!

Michelada is a mexican beer cocktail.  There are many variations; some call for tomato juice, some for shrimp, some for lime (which would’ve tasted great but I didn’t have any in the fridge). I modified the most basic version I could find – threw in some Bud – and the result was exactly what I craved:


1 oz. lemon juice
8 dashes hot sauce
3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
3 dashes soy sauce
Black pepper and salt to taste

Mix all of the above together in a tall glass. Add ice. Add beer (no need for anything fancy – go with the cheapest beer, or whatever’s leftover from the weekend). Stir…Taste and add more ingredients as you wish.

Try it. What extra ingredients would you use?


Stay cool,




Trip of the year: Amman, Jordan – Erica’s latest post
Monopoly as tourism marketing
Do you know the difference between a franchise and a chain?



This entry was published on July 18, 2013 at 5:29 PM. It’s filed under Author: Erica, Food and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

One thought on “Who knew Budweiser could be so satisfying?

  1. Here in Mexico, this drink is called MICHELADA CUBANA, without the worcestershire sauce we call it Michelada to which we add Clamato, a tomato based drink flavored with clam juice…I’m feeling a bit thirsty all of a sudden, oh, and we garnish it with a celery stalk…Yum! Read you soon, Alexandra

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